Thursday, January 27, 1994


How I hate courtesy -
sister of politeness.
One day the fallacy
show - Pretty grey forest.

Many hearts led astray -
By this rude injustice.
Sleepless nights - will portray -
Enemy's accomplice

Feigned love is worse than poison
The body in pain
One moment released - waken
To meet "Cordial" thus named.

As if feelings were fragile -
Like an opened red tulip
Run from anger - too docile

For the action of friendship


The eyes' prime use forgot.
"Look to God, and live!"

If so, our eyes would be burned - hot.
Directing our souls, attention -

Lives on a thread
reaching out with piercing affection.

Crossing hearts, and hoping to die
Needles sticking in majority eyes
Sincerity in sight is a lost trait

Avoiding eyes are murderers
Searching eyes are
welcome in my home anytime, mate!

Wednesday, January 26, 1994

Rage Cost

Economics Principle
The Opportunity cost of my
Rage -

The tears I could be shedding and
the self pity I could be feeling.

Plus the loss of mental and physical energy.
Rage is the wiser choice of
distributing my resources.

Not only does it supply its own energy,
But saves energy that the alternative consumes.


Everyday we die
and wake with new lives
Forgetting the passions
we once had extreme
Staying up to avoid
the veil.

Blood stains around my door -
Passover, for my intensity.
from another's injustice
energy drawn from within
succumbing to sweet senselessness

Preparing for death
of all feeling.
Love cannot be had in
fullness, by just one.

Proving destruction to
the solvent -
Never to be used again
on another.

Sunday, January 23, 1994

Land Ho!

Land Ho!
Dreary days at sea - hoping
Mirages floating.
At last beholding -
A shape of hope
Through all the clouds
At once, arriving
blessed moment.
Never again recurring
From the times of sorrow
to this time of silent joy.
Time stops for such experiences.

Friday, January 21, 1994


not so bad
if the port is
for mere energy

through anger and passages
of insanity

Calm and Carefree

If you don't quite know yet -
humans fail.

It takes a mind out of flesh
to control
this play dough
painful, mass.

Thursday, January 20, 1994


"Only a pinch a day", he said.

Now fishing alone
swallowing fishhooks to catch
the undesirable trait
of complete dependence on

When parting -
infinitely observing
a non shifting countenance.

This fish
prompts dismal feelings
from accurate assumptions
Needing stronger line
to catch this
ever growing

Reality should not be
preoccupied with thoughts of
what could be.

Replacing wire hooks with
titanium anchors.

Tuesday, January 18, 1994


Sunshine is
a gift forgotten.
that stop running.

Cool wind
on a warm day
A captivating face
not shining.

If there ever was a time
the sun stopped shining,
If ever there was a time the
wind stopped blowing,
I would feel as empty as I
do when I see confused eyes,
and weary smiles.

My fingers cannot hold the sun,
nor are my lungs strong enough
to move the sky,
but if thou will
I would give thee happy
flashbacks, joyful thoughts, and memories
of sunshine that
can never be forgotten.

Saturday, January 15, 1994


Truly man is a hull
easily swayed.
A perfect emblem
from another's
Invented images of
coupling future
blast and degraded
in rigid stanzas
meant to be
If man was only more
genuine as familiarity
then must remedy be
not coquet,
but relentless singularity.

Wednesday, January 12, 1994


So many signs ignored -
with many questions implored.

Today is Wednesday,
tomorrow is Thursday.
And the next day is Friday,
and so on and so forth.

Until the last child cries,
and the last old man dies.

Butterflies go free
crippled hunters in the street -
Their nets on the ground
Wind, the only sound.