Thursday, May 9, 2024


It’s been asked to come talk to you and sound a bit poetic

So if I’m not I feel a bit apologetic!

When I grew up I tried my best to be athletic, 

but often times I’d hear my Mom say “You’re pathetic.”

that hurt my feelings so I’d respond with, It’s genetic.

She’d whip my bum and my little brother would laugh at me , not very empathetic!

To grow up strong, I ate some spinach but I soon found out it’s a  diuretic.

My Bishop told me to read D&C 89, and think it quite prophetic.

That eating Ice cream and apple pie isn’t good for you,

Cause Now I’m a full blown diabetic!

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Sermons we See by Edgar Guest

Here is a poem that was shared with me by Bryon Geddes, my pickleball coach.  He challenged me to memorize the first stanza of the following poem, written by Edgar Guest:

Sermon we See

I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day;
I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.
The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear,
Fine counsel is confusing, but example's always clear;
And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds,
For to see good put in action is what everybody needs.

Here is a little video that should help anyone in memorizing these lines, if practiced a few dozen times.

The rest of the poem...

I soon can learn to do it if you'll let me see it done;

I can watch your hands in action, but your tongue too fast may run.

And the lecture you deliver may be very wise and true,
But I'd rather get my lessons by observing what you do;
For I might misunderstand you and the high advice you give,
But there's no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.

When I see a deed of kindness, I am eager to be kind.
When a weaker brother stumbles and a strong man stays behind
Just to see if he can help him, then the wish grows strong in me
To become as big and thoughtful as I know that friend to be.
And all travelers can witness that the best of guides today
Is not the one who tells them, but the one who shows the way.

One good man teaches many, men believe what they behold;
One deed of kindness noticed is worth forty that are told.
Who stands with men of honor learns to hold his honor dear,
For right living speaks a language which to every one is clear.
Though an able speaker charms me with his eloquence, I say,
I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one, any day.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Police praise

With all of the madness in the world today.
We consider with detailed significance
And reverence that our peace, and freedoms
Come from continuous sacrifices by courageous defenders
Like you.

We thank you for your offering and acclaim your bravery!
Your cause, and your endeavors inspires us to choose 
And share goodness.

Monday, October 19, 2015

A Rock

A Rock just for you, from Dover Beach

Take some time
to consider its detail,
its character, its uniqueness.

What some might consider a flaw,
I recognize a marvelous rarity.
Just like you.  Just like me.

There are millions more on that spellbinding beach,
calling out to you.  Waiting.
But only a handful will be chosen.

Until then, may the splendor of this gem
fill your mind, and embolden your heart.
Powering your dreams.

(A poem I wrote for Chad, accompanying a rock I retrieved from Dover during my own swim,
for his birthday in 2014.  It's intended magic worked, and he swam it successfully on Sept 20th, 2015)

Chad and I walking along Dover beach the day after his crossing. Unreal experience.  Like a kid at Disneyland.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Glue gun

I never imagined that one step 

taken 21 years ago 

would bear so much good fruit.

I never dreamed

I'd feel this much love and joy.

Like glue, I'll stick to you.

I have your love and you have mine.

You say I'm wearing rose-colored glasses, so if I am, 

I'll keep them on.

Because of you, every day I wake up smiling.

21 years ago I made the best move I could ever make!
Thank you Cathi for making this journey with me.
I love you with all my heart!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In memory of Patrice Bolyard

Fields full of colors,
I'm blinded by the beauty.
Every one is special
God's unique creation.

She was the first flower I studied.
Precious, delicate, and marvelous.
Casting an impression in my mind
of what inner beauty is.

Reminding me to share that brilliance
with others through
kindness, gentleness and humility.
Those are the colors that never fade.

My childhood friend, Patrice Bolyard passed away 6 years ago, and on certain days I'm reminded of her.  
Today is one of them.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chad's rock

A rock just for you from Dover Beach

Take some time
to consider its detail,
its character, its uniqueness.

What some might consider a flaw,
I recognize a marvelous rarity.
Just like you.  Just like me.

There are millions more on that spellbinding beach,
calling out to you. Waiting.
But only a handful will be chosen.

Until then, may the splendor of this gem
fill your mind, and embolden your heart.

Powering your dreams.